Mid-wheel powerchairs

Rascal Mobility


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The Rascal Ryley is a compact 4 mph Mid-Wheel Drive indoor/outdoor powerchair, with full suspension and comfortable scooter style seating.

The Ryley powerchair is the ideal choice for indoor and outdoor use where space is restricted.

It delivers great performance with its 35Ah batteries contributing to its outstanding manoeuvrability and a smooth ride.

Ryley Seat Lift is also available.

Larger powerchair options include the Rivco and Rivco with Seat Lift 

Optional Upgrades:

  • Swing-away legrests
  • Elevating legrests
  • Attendant Control
  • Comes with18.5"Captain's seat as standard


  • Type Class - B / 2
  • Overall length - 108cm / 42.5''
  • Overall width - 61cm / 24''
  • Maximum carrying capacity - 136kgs / 21.4 stone
  • Maximum speed - 6.4km/h / 4mph
  • Maximum kerb height - 5cm / 2''
  • Range - up to 26.3km / 16.3 miles
  • Colour - Green Lightning / Orange Sunset

Please Note: This product is the improved, upgrade to & replacement for the P327 Mini.

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What our customers say...

  • BLESMA participate each year in the National Remembrance Parade on Whitehall as the Nation remembers all those that made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their Country. Severely injured Service and ex-Service men and women form the BLESMA Contingent to pay their respects and the response from the crowds that line the route of the Parade increases in volume as we pass. None of this would be possible without the wonderful assistance afforded by Electric Mobility as they provide their excellent scooters completely free of charge for the event. Thank you Electric Mobility on behalf of all our Members.

    -British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association
  • Over the years, the wonderful Dave Pierce and his Warehouse team have gone to great lengths to help solve problems for me and my customers, all in all I would say that your company is an example of how a mobility supplier should be, always looking to improve and be there for us, your retailers.  Long may you continue to live up to your high standards! 

    -Andy, Mobility Branch Manager, Northants
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